
Photo: Niv Calderon
Halutz: visited Hebron
Photo: Niv Calderon
photo: Dan Balilti
Zeev Zambish Hever
photo: Dan Balilti

Rightists to Halutz: You ruined Jews' lives

Army chief holds brief visit to Hebron, chooses not to meet with local settles. In Kirayt Arba, several extreme-Right activists protest against Halutz, call him 'commander of expulsion'

During a visit to the city Hebron Monday, IDF Chief of Staff Dan Halutz toured the area together with Commander of the IDF's Central Command Yair Nave and watched the thousands of pilgrims who came to the city for the holiday.


Spokesman for the Jewish community in Hebron Noam Arnon, said that Halutz did not meet with the local settlers, and added that during the holiday they will be celebrating 40 years since the liberation of Hebron during the Six Day War.


From Hebron Halutz left for Kiryat Arba where he met with the head of the Amana settlement movement Zeev Zambish Hever in his Sukkah. At the entrance to Hever's home, several right wing activists awaited Halutz, calling him the "commander of the expulsion," and saying that he "ruined the lives of Jews." The activists raised banners that said: "Soft on Hizbullah, Strong on Jews." A police force on the scene drove them away.


During the day more than 20,000 people arrived in Hebron and other than the incident in Kiryat Arba, no additional incidents were reported.


פרסום ראשון: 10.09.06, 18:03
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