
Photo: Alex Kolomoisky
Market shopping (Archive photo)
Photo: Alex Kolomoisky

Survey: Haredim spend 25 percent less on food

Manufacturers Association of Israel: Monthly expenditure on food per capita in ultra-Orthodox sector estimated at approximately NIS 384. However, haredi family spends more on food than secular family due to larger number of family members

The monthly expenditure per capita in the ultra-Orthodox sector is estimated at approximately NIS 384 (about USD 90) – 25 percent lower than the monthly expenditure per capita in the general sector, which totals NIS 509 (USD 120).


The data were revealed in a new survey recently conducted by the Manufacturers Association of Israel's Food Industries Association on the issue of food shopping patterns in Israel's ultra-Orthodox sector.


According to the survey, however, a haredi household spends an average of approximately NIS 2,110 (USD 496) on food products – 23 percent higher than the expenditure on food in the entire population (which is about NIS 1,882 – USD 443).


This is explained by the fact that an ultra-Orthodox household is comprised of 5.5 members on average, compared to 3.12 members in the rest of the Jewish population.


The survey also revealed that in the past eight years there has been a realistic growth of about 2 percent in the expenditure on food in the ultra-Orthodox sector.


According to the survey, 5 percent of haredi households spend up to NIS 200 (USD 47) a week on food products; about 26 percent spend between NIS 201 (USD 47.3) to NIS 400 (USD 94) a week on food; about 29 percent of haredi households spend between NIS 401 (USD 94.3) and NIS 600 (USD 141) on food a week; about 20 percent spend between NIS 601 (USD 141.4) and NIS 900 (USD 212) on food a week; and about 20 percent of haredi households spend more than NIS 900 a week on food products.


The survey revealed that the expenditure on food in the ultra-Orthodox sector increases, as expected, with the number of family members, the education level and the household's income. Haredi families with a very high income spend 1.6 more compared to haredi families with a very low income.


For example, an ultra-Orthodox family of one to two members spends NIS 1,847 (USD 434.5) a month on food, a family of seven to eight members spends NIS 2,297 (USD 540) a month, and a haredi family of more than nine members spends NIS 2,346 (USD 552) a month on food products.


There are about 630,000 ultra-Orthodox people living in Israel in approximately 115,000 families.


פרסום ראשון: 10.15.06, 19:00
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