
Photo: AP
Israeli Consul General Ehud Danoch
Photo: AP

Israelis, Iranians reach agreement

Exiled Iranian journalists, Israeli professors meet at Israel Consul luncheon in Los Angeles, discuss nuclear threat, Tehran regime

WASHINGTON – Israeli propaganda made use of the solid base of Iranian exiles in Los Angeles and television channel’s broadcasted by satellite to Iran so as to send the Iranian people a message against their regime.


Los Angeles’ Israeli Consul General Ehud Danoch took advantage of a press conference held following the second Lebanon war, and spoke to exiled Iranian journalists and commentators in order to strike at Tehran’s leaders.


Danoch invited 11 Iranian broadcasters and journalists to a luncheon last week. Alongside Consul Danoch were Israeli experts on Iran, such as commentator Menashe Amir, Head of Modern Iranian Studies in Tel Aviv University, David Menashri, and fellow expert Dr. Meir Litvak.


The consul said that the Israeli government and the Israeli people did not have a negative attitude towards the Iranian people, but with the Iranian regime, which threatens to wipe Israel of the face of the earth and is working towards obtaining weapons of mass destruction to that aim.


Professor Menashri told the Iranians that their president was voted into office because he promised his people social solutions, but that he was doing nothing about such issues, and instead was dedicating the majority of his efforts to butt heads with Israel and the United States, and to obtain nuclear weapons.


One of the exiled Iranian journalists said the Iranian president didn’t represent the Iranian people. Menashri said that 27 years had passed since the Khomeini revolution and that it was time that the Iranian people took responsibility into their own hands.


In this context, Dr. Litvak warned that history showed that it wasn’t the people, but the regime, that decided whether to go to war and us nuclear weapons.


The Israelis and Iranians present agreed on a continued collaboration. It was also agreed that a bi-weekly report on Iran published by the Institute of Modern Iranian Studies in Tel Aviv University was to be emailed to the Los Angeles based Iranian journalists.


It should be mentioned that the broadcasts from Los Angeles to Iran are picked up by most of Iran’s residents, causing a problem for the Tehran regime. Some of the exiled Iranian journalists and commentators in the US are well known and popular throughout Iran.


פרסום ראשון: 10.17.06, 09:40
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