
Photo: Avi Cohen
Elhanan Tennenbaum
Photo: Avi Cohen

Former Hizbullah captive Tennenbaum attends law school

Elhanan Tennenbaum, who was held in Hizbullah captivity from 2000 to 2004, enrolls at the Sha’arei Mishpat College of Law in Hod Hasharon; ‘when he entered the classroom everyone went silent,’ fellow student says

Elhanan Tennenbaum, who was in Hizbullah captivity from 2000 to 2004, has enrolled at the Sha’arei Mishpat College of Law in Hod Hasharon.


A few days ago students were amazed to see Tennenbaum at orientation.


“When he entered the classroom everyone went silent,” on student said. “He appears to be a serious student and even participated in an introductory computers class.”


Tennenbaum was released in the framework of a prisoner exchange deal brokered through German mediation and pressure from then-Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. He was captured while on a business trip to Abu Dhabi to seal a somewhat shady deal he organized with Taybeh resident Qais Ubaid, who was later found to be a Hizbullah operative.


Sha’arei Mishpat issued a statement saying, “Tennenbaum met the high entry requirements and was accepted to the college. The gates of high education are open to anyone who meets the necessary requirements, and this includes those who broke the law and paid their debt to society – all the more so when the student is Tennebaum, who does not fit into this category.”


The college said that if Tennenbaum wants to pursue a career as an attorney, he will have to meet the academic requirements and ethical guidelines of the Israel Bar Association. 


פרסום ראשון: 10.22.06, 12:19
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