
Photo: AP
Ahmadinejad looking chilled
Photo: AP

Happy Birthday, Ahmadinejad!

Israeli 'Bhappy' organization, aimed at healing through humor, sends Iranian president relaxation tips via his blog

Based on the Gregorian calendar, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is celebrating his 50th birthday Saturday. The president, notorious in Israel for his cries for its annihilation, is receiving attention this time from an unusual source.


In it's latest campaign, the 'Bhappy' organization, whose mission is to increase happiness in Israel through humor, is sending suggestions to Ahmadinejad of how to celebrate his birthday and how to relax, in general.


"We wanted to see what the average citizen can do and how it can affect us, help us not be scared all of the time," said co-founder Ofer Shitrit, describing the organization's approach.


"Everyone thinks that (Ahmadinejad) is hyperactive, in a negative way, so let's suggest ways to solve this," he said. "The objective is to view a different angle of life. Even Avigdor Lieberman is welcome to offer suggestions."


The project –coined 'Chilling out Ahmadinejad' – calls on the Israeli public to send e-mails to the Iranian president via his blog, with relaxation suggestions. 


For example, organization spokesperson Tali Baruch suggested "therapeutic treatment with (well-known Israeli psychologist) Varda Raziel Jacont, a pastoral vacation in Rafah, a relaxing walk along the Philadelphi Route, and more."


Making happy news

Shitrit (38) and Ronen Perry (37) are two businessmen who have made various financial donations to the community. "I always helped when asked, and now I decided I wanted to take it a step futher," Shitrit said.


"I tried to do something optimistic, something happy," he elaborated.


He said he knows the idea may sound strange, but added: "we want to try and help people get out of the existential depression that occurs in Israel a lot, primarily surrounding the news."


The organization's activities, which are targeted at youths and adults alike, don't have a political focus. "They can consist of going to humor conferences, schools for optimism, or just giving people a way of looking at life differently and smiling at it," Shitrit said.


"We want to enlist volunteers and activists and help them do things that come from themselves. The objective is to create good news, happy things that won't bring people down when they read them," he continued.


"I know more and more people my age who don't open the television or read a newspaper because it ruins their day. So I want the opposite," Shitrit explained.


And returning to the subject of the president's birthday, Shitrit suggested non-conventional solutions, from relaxation balls to a vacation far from home, because "he looks catatonic."


So, what would you suggest Ahmadinejad do to relax on his birthday? Talkbacks encouraged.


פרסום ראשון: 10.28.06, 13:06
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