
Photo: AP
Israel's Consul General Ehud Danuch
Photo: AP

Jerusalem Cinderella takes LA by storm

Virtually unknown MissFlag band praised by LA Times, captures attention of Universal Music

Two years ago, five Jerusalemite youngsters set up a band called MissFlag. The band performs in English and plays music reminiscent of the popular British pop genre; however, they were not very successful in Israel. Not many have heard of the band, they are a Cinderella of sorts.


Things changed when they began putting their music on the popular MySpace website. This year, their single, Hidden Thieves, was selected by MySpace music critics to head the charts for four consecutive weeks.


Their big break came when the band went on a successful tour in Los Angeles under the auspices of the city's Israeli consulate. "Your success is the success of the State of Israel," Israel's Consul General Ehud Danuch told them in Los Angeles.


Their opening shot was at the Cat Club on Sunset Boulevard. The Club's manager told the Consul for Media and Public Affairs, Gilad Millo, that had the five youngsters not told him they were from Israel, he would have been convinced they were a British band.


Rising stars

Later on the band performed at the reputable AFI film festival. At the request of the consular office, managers of the festival agreed to let the Israeli band give a special performance to an audience comprising producers, directors, agents and actors.


The highlight of the tour came at the prestigious Temple Bar in Santa Monica. Representatives of the Universal Music recording company closed the club for several hours so that they could continue listening to the Jerusalemite band's music.


The Los Angeles Times also praised the band saying that its music appeals to a broad audience.


"We were highly honored overseas," Ohad Ilem, a MissFlag band member said Tuesday, "we felt as though we were Israeli ambassadors."


פרסום ראשון: 11.23.06, 14:04
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