
Monday's drill
Photo: Avihu Shapira
Soldiers during drill
Photo: Avihu Shapira

Rescue services: Ready for any scenario in north

IDF, civil rescue services complete emergency drill on Mount Hermon; claim they are ready for any emergency, can handle up to 10,000 victims

The Israel Defense Force continues to learn lessons from the second Lebanon war. A combined rescue drill was conducted Monday morning on Mt. Hermon, together with civil rescue services.


The drill was held in order to prepare for the coming ski season on Israel's highest mountain, which is located near the Lebanon and Syrian borders.


Scenarios that were tested included a suicide bomber waiting at the ticket line, terrorists penetrating the borders, taking hostages at the cable cars and shooting at the IDF's nearby post.


The terrain surrounding the site is tricky, but the last war proved that any occurrence could get serious and IDF had to be prepared.

Drill included evacuation by helicopter (Photo: Avihu Shapira)


Taking part in the drill were and IDF special unit, medical forces working with the Galilee police force, northern Galilee's fire crews – Golan and Jordan area's Magen David Adom crews.


The military doctors and paramedics made their way by foot from the control center – a distance of a few hundred meters, to treat the dozens of victims. A few minutes later helicopters were called to the site to commence evacuation of the injured.


Major Samir Canaan, the Hermon control center commander said that they have learned their lesson from the second Lebanon war and are now ready to handle any occurrence and can care for the 10,000 people the site simultaneously hold.


CEO of the Hermon site, Menahem Baruch, whose team also took part in the drill, said: "In spite of the difficult summer the northern border had, we have managed to complete the preparations for opening the site, and are hoping that on around the 24th of December visitors can enjoy the snow that will be piled up in the site."


At the end of the drill, the authorities were satisfied and claimed that they are ready for anything.


פרסום ראשון: 11.27.06, 17:22
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