
Photo: Tel Aviv Police
Benny Sela
Photo: Tel Aviv Police
Photo: Ido Erez
Searching everywhere
Photo: Ido Erez

Search for rapist: No longer focusing on Tel Aviv

After a three-day search, 900 officers left in city; escaped convict Benny Sela assumed to have fled area. Police warned Israel Prison Service he might try to escape a month ago, it is revealed Monday

The search for escaped serial rapist Benny Sela continued Monday evening, although police no longer believe he will be found in the Tel Aviv area. The number of cops searching the city decreased Monday, from 2,000 to about 900.


The police have encountered a serious information problem regarding his escape, which led to there being many possible hiding places for him to be found. One possibility that has been presented is that he is hiding in an apartment and has taken hostages. Police say this is unlikely since no one has been reported missing.


Police also continue to investigate the circumstances under which Sela was able to escape from a Tel Aviv Courthouse parking lot Friday. Police officers held "escape drills" in which they tried to jump over the fence with their hands cuffed. Some were able to get over the fence.


The officers insist that Sela was handcuffed at the time, but there are those who doubt their story at the central unit.


Police officers continue to patrol the streets of Tel Aviv Monday, but in smaller numbers, with emphasis on undercover cops. Every few minutes they receive a false alarm, but hope one of these calls will come through and help them catch him as they did the first time seven years ago.


Police warned about Sela a month ago

Monday evening it became apparent that the police had warned the Israel Prison Service that the rapist might try to escape. The memo stated that Sela should be watched closely since he may try to escape.


This memo came following a previous possible attempt to escape after a hearing in Rishon Lezion where he refused to be cuffed and provoked the officers.

Police instructed during search (Photo: Ido Erez)


In the patrol car on the way back, Sela passed out and the regional escort officer ordered the car keep moving and only stop at the Ramle police station, where he was treated and later taken back to prison.


The police escort officers updated the Israel Prison Service on Sela's provocations and a memo was later sent out warning that this might have been an escape attempt.


This time, Sela was indeed successful in taking advantage of his escort's unawareness and was able to escape.


Eli Senyor contributed to the report


פרסום ראשון: 11.27.06, 23:30
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