
Photo: Gil Yohanan
'Proposal blow to Israel- Diaspora relations.' Rabbi Amar
Photo: Gil Yohanan

AJC: Chief rabbi attempting to delegitimize US Jews

American Jewish Committee says in letter to Olmert it is ‘deeply concerned’ over draft bill aimed at rendering Reform conversions invalid for immigration to Israel and granting citizenship; ‘proposal will be a blow to Israel- Diaspora relations that could not come at a more damaging time,’ letter states

The American Jewish Committee says in a letter addressed to Prime Minister Ehud Olmert that the organization is ‘deep concern over recent reports of the proposal put forward by Chief Rabbi Shlomo Amar to remove converts from the jurisdiction of the Law of Return.’


Ynet recently reported that Sephardic Rabbi Amar presented Olmert with a draft bill aimed at rendering Reform conversions invalid for immigration to Israel and granting citizenship.


The Chief Rabbinate said the bill is "a move aimed at preventing a situation where there are two peoples in the State of Israel."


As a first step Amar wants the clause "or we’ll convert" to be omitted from the Law of Return. Amar wants the law to stop being applied on all conversions: Reform, Conservative or Orthodox.


'Proposal unfair to converts'

“The proposal is an unacceptable attempt to delegitimize the Judaism of the majority of American Jews,” the AJC letter says. “As such, it will be a blow to Israel- Diaspora relations that could not come at a more damaging time. The commitment of American Jewry to the survival and well-being of Israel is more vital now than ever.


“The work of the American Jewish Committee and other organizations to mobilize American Jews in support of the State of Israel in the crucial struggles that lie ahead could be seriously undermined if many in our constituency are alienated,” according to the organization.


The letter further states that, ‘the proposal is manifestly unfair to converts, particularly those who live outside the State of Israel. Once the principle is established that Israel's official rabbinate will review all conversions no matter where they take place, no converts from any denomination who live outside of Israel would ever be secure in the knowledge that their conversions are final and that they are assured of the Jewish status of children born to them after such a conversion.”


פרסום ראשון: 11.28.06, 19:02
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