
Photo: Gil Yohanan
Defense Minister Amir Peretz
Photo: Gil Yohanan
Palestinian security forces (Archives)
Photo: AP

Peretz: Military operations in West Bank won’t stop

Israeli defense minister asserts military operations in West Bank to continue, IDF prepares to open fire at Qassam launching cells

As Qassam rockets continued to fall, Defense Minister Amir Peretz said before government ministers Sunday, “So far we have shown restraint with the goal of establishing the ceasefire, but the Palestinians must prove they have the ability to stand by the commitment they took upon themselves.”


“I have allowed the IDF to prepare instructions to open fire against those who endanger our forces and against Qassam launching cells. I will present the instructions to the Cabinet,” he continued.


Peretz hinted that there was no real discussion in Israel of expanding the ceasefire to the West Bank when he made it clear that Israel would continue with its policy in the West Bank in the same way it has to date.


Peretz also said that the ceasefire was only partially being kept by Palestinians, as 15 rockets have been launched towards Israel since the ceasefire took hold, seven of which landed in the Negev.


He explained that the ceasefire was the result of military and financial pressure on the Palestinian Authority which has also received international backing.


“There is coordination with the Palestinian security systems, which have deployed their forces since last week and are aiding in preventing rocket fire towards Israel,” Peretz said.


USD 20 million smuggled into Gaza Strip

Peretz also made it clear to Egyptian Intelligence Chief Omar Suleiman that stability in the area lies in the success of Egypt’s efforts in preventing the strengthening of terror organizations and smugglings through the Philadelphi Route.


Peretz also said that Israel severely disapproves of the continued smuggling of funds into the Gaza Strip that senior Palestinian officials were behind, as in the case of the Palestinian foreign minister moving USD 20 million in suitcases through the Rafah Crossing into Gaza.


Peretz further reported on a series of humanitarian measures, which would be extended to the Palestinian population ahead of the Christian holidays in December. These included 500 permits for Gaza residents to enter the West Bank in order to take part in religious ceremonies.


Additionally, some 2,100 Gazans would be granted permission to enter Israel and attend Christian ceremonies throughout the country.


"These measures are aimed at separating between the law-abiding population and the hostile elements, and reinforce the issue of freedom of religion, while isolating it from terrorism," Peretz explained.


Israeli overflights to decrease

Turning his attention to events in the northern arena, the defense minister stated that Israeli overflights in Lebanon would continue, but to a reasonable extent and in accordance with military needs.


Peretz said that he instructed the IDF's intelligence branches to stay alert and closely watch political developments in Lebanon, in light of the volatile situation in the country.


According to the defense minister, the UN director-general has submitted a report to the UN Security Council this weekend stating that since September 2006, UN forces have uncovered 13 Hizbullah weapon caches in southern Lebanon.


He noted that the arms smuggling from Syria to Lebanon continued, and said that there were "severe deficiencies in the supervision of the border between the two countries."


Referring to Syria, Peretz said, "In light of Syria's two-facedness, the IDF will evaluate and operate according to events on the ground, and not what Syria says. The political echelon will examine the Syrian declarations and decided how to responds to them."


פרסום ראשון: 12.03.06, 13:44
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