
Photo: Gil Yohanan
Marzel - 60,000 leaflets
Photo: Gil Yohanan
Photo: Yaron Brener
Tamir - mark green line on school maps
Photo: Yaron Brener

Rightists: Tamir should go be minister in Gaza

National Jewish Front slams education minister for intention to leave revert to 67' borders in school maps

A leaflet distributed Wednesday by members of the National Jewish Front, led by Baruch Marzel states that "Disengagement from Malady of Education Tamir who wants to bring us back to dark times."


The group passed out the leaflets at a Jerusalem college, calling for a revolt against the education system following the intention of Education Minister Yuli Tamir to print school maps according to the pre-67' border.


The NJF members were escorted off the campus grounds by college security. They stated their intention to distribute 60,000 leaflets in schools throughout the country.


The leaflets go on to say, "Yuli Tamir seeks to force her extremist left-wing political opinions on Israel's students, according to which Jews must be expelled from their homes and terrorists should be rewarded.


"She desires to 'mark' the territory of Israel and erase the holy sites, the city of the Patriarchs (Hebron), dismantle Jerusalem and build in their place a PLO-Hamas country of terror…"


"Minister Tamir seeks to obliterate the Jewish identity of the country and erase any sign of Judaism from the curriculum… she constitutes a fifth column and supports the enemies of Israel."


The leaflet calls for the student body to stand against their minister's decision: "Dear youth, when the education system starts teaching the doctrine of Meretz and Yesh Gvul – we will leave the classrooms. We say to the teachers that school is no place for politics… As long as the ministry of education is headed by the extreme left, we are done with it. Yuli Tamir, the Palestinian Authority is looking for a Palestinian education minister. Go to Gaza."


פרסום ראשון: 12.06.06, 20:22
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