
Photo: Gadi Kablo
Captain R. being brought in for investigation
Photo: Gadi Kablo
Photo: Gadi Kablo
Girit outpost
Photo: Gadi Kablo

High Court: Investigate Iman al-Hams' death

Palestinian teenager killed two years ago by IDF fire in area of Girit outpost. After her death, Captain R. arrested. Family demands investigation in order to determine whether daughter killed by illegal command to open fire

The High Court ordered the Military Prosecution to open an investigation in order to determine whether an illegal command to open fire was given two years ago in Girit outpost.


Two years ago, 13-year-old girl Iman al-Hams was killed at the Girit outpost. Her family is demanding an investigation. High Court justices ordered the IDF to pay the family NIS 15,000 (USD 3,600) for court expenses.


Prosecuting Attorney Leah Tsemel said, "You cannot bring the girl back to life, you cannot go back and convict captain R., but you can investigate all the evidence that lead to that area becoming a death zone, and investigate the backup given to Iman's murder."


At the time of her death, the IDF initially reported that the girl "was on her way to carry out a terror attack in Israel," but later reported that there were no explosives in her backpack, but school books.


Medical sources reported that more than 20 bullets were extracted from her body. "This girl was intentionally pummeled to death," they said.


Following the investigation of the incident, the military police arrested Captain R., commander of the company aiding Givati Brigade's Sheked Battalion. Among other things, claims that the soldiers who confirmed the girl's death were investigated.


However, in military police investigations it was made clear that there was intense tension between the company commander and his soldiers.


Other soldiers claimed that reports of confirming the kill were lies intended to hurt the company commander because he tended to be heavy handed with his soldiers, or, alternatively, to cover up the fact that the soldiers didn't identify the girl on time as she approached the outpost.


More than a year ago, the military court of the Southern Command cleared Captain R. of all charges against him connected to the girl's killing and ruled that he is innocent. In addition, the court ruled that the IDF will pay the officer NIS 82,000 (USD 19,600) as compensation for his legal expenses and losses incurred during his imprisonment.


פרסום ראשון: 12.14.06, 14:35
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