
'A religious country of many faiths'
Photo: AP

British poll: Religion does more harm than good

Just before Christmas, Guardian publishes survey, which shows that most people in Britain see religion as cause of division. Most respondents do not consider themselves religious, believe Britain is a country made up of many faith communities

Eighty-two percent of people in Britain believe that religious faith causes tension in the country, while two-thirds of the resident state that they do not believe in religion, a new poll published Saturday by the British Guardian newspaper revealed.


According to the survey, most respondents believe religion does more harm that good and see it as a cause of division. Only 16 percent disagreed with this assertion.


The survey was conducted among 1,006 adults over the age of 18.


Only 33 percent described themselves as religious people, while a clear majority of 63 percent said they are not religious - including more than half of those who describe themselves as Christian.


Older people and women are the most likely to believe in a god, according to the poll, with 37 percent of women saying they are religious, compared with 29 percent of men.


Christmas remains a religious festival

A spokesman for the Church of England denied on Friday that mainstream religion was the source of tension. He also insisted that the "impression of secularism in this country is overrated."


"You also have to bear in mind how society has changed. It is more difficult to go to church now than it was. Communities are displaced, people work longer hours - it's harder to fit it in. It doesn't alter the fact that the Church of England will get 1 million people in church every Sunday, which is larger than any other gathering in the country."


The poll suggests, however, that in modern Britain religious observance has become a habit reserved for special occasions. Only 13 percent of those questioned claimed to visit a place of worship at least once a week, with 43 percent saying they never attended religious services.


According to the Guardian, Christmas remains a religious festival for many people, with 54 percent of Christians questioned saying they intended to go to a religious service over the holiday period.


The survey also raises questions regarding Britain's religious identity. A majority of 62 percent agrees Britain is better described as "a religious country of many faiths," while only 17 percent say the country is best described as a Christian one.


פרסום ראשון: 12.23.06, 14:23
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