
Teddy Kolek
Photo: AP

Kollek to be laid to rest Thursday

Former Jerusalem mayor Teddy Kollek will be buried at Mount Herzl Cemetery in capital; funeral ceremony open to public

The Jerusalem municipality published on Wednesday the program for the funeral of former Jerusalem mayor Teddy Kollek, who passed away on Tuesday.


Kollek’s funeral will take place on Thursday, and he will be buried in the Mount Herzl cemetery in the capital.


From 7:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m., Kollek’s casket will be placed at Safra Square facing the municipality so the public can pay their final respects.


An official ceremony will be held at the square, with the participation of Minister of Jerusalem Affairs Jacob Edery, Jerusalem Mayor Uri Lupoliansky, members of the Kollek family, students, youth groups, consulate representatives and religious leaders. Amos Kollek will say Kaddish for his father.


The funeral procession will leave from Safra square after the brief ceremony, and will drive through the streets of Jerusalem: Through Jaffa Street, Nordau, Shezer, and Herzl Boulevard to the Mount Herzl cemetery. From 10:30 to 11:30 a.m., the following streets will be closed to traffic: Jaffa Street, Sarei Yisrael, Shezer, Herzl and King George. Public transportation will take alternate routes.


At 11:15 a.m., the official funeral ceremony will be held at Mount Herzl, with the participation of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, Knesset Chair Dalia Itzik, Vice Premier Shimon Peres, Jerusalem Mayor Uri Lupoliansky and family members. The funeral will be open to the public, which are asked to arrive from 9:00 a.m. due to heightened security measures at the site.


The Jerusalem municipality and police are prepared for thousands to attend the Safra Square and Mount Herzl ceremonies, as well as the altered traffic routes.


פרסום ראשון: 01.03.07, 23:57
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