
Photo: Sebastian Scheiner
Firecrackers (archive photo)
Photo: Sebastian Scheiner

Police seize dangerous toys ahead of Purim

Toy weapons being sold in breach of 1986 ruling confiscated. Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor continue with raids, ask public to remain vigilant

A raid on toy stores by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor has begun in preparation for the upcoming Purim holiday.


During Tuesday's raid on two stores in Tel Aviv's central bus station, the ministry and the Israeli police confiscated 120 toy guns, toy rifles, and toy submachine guns which were considered potentially harmful.


It was the second time that dangerous merchandise was found in one of the two stores over the past 4 months. Due to that fact, the ministry was speeding up investigations in order to look into criminal proceedings against the store owner, in the event that they were needed.


According to a 1986 ruling, toy weapons which resembled actual weapons were prohibited from manufacture, importing, marketing, sales, and possession.


The ministry's Tel Aviv District Supervisor Yaakov Malul instructed inspectors to speed up investigations in order to beat the phenomenon. The ministry requested the public remain vigilant and report any stands selling dangerous toys. 


פרסום ראשון: 01.10.07, 19:59
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