
Photo: Tsafrir Abayov
Qassam rocket (Archive photo)
Photo: Tsafrir Abayov

2 sonic booms rock Ashkelon

Residents of southern city wake up to sound of blasts, fear Qassam rockets fired at city. Police inspection reveals blasts caused sonic booms from IAF aircraft

Two intense blasts were heard in the southern city of Ashkelon on Monday morning, causing great frenzy in the city.


The residents were afraid that Qassam rockets had landed in the city once again. However, following an inspection police reported that the sound was most likely caused by sonic booms caused by Israel Air Force aircrafts passing over the area.


A larger number of rockets has been launched towards Ashkelon from the Gaza Strip recently. Due to the growing threat, Finance Minister Abraham Hirchson promised the Barzilai Medical Center Director Dr. Shimon Scharf and Knesset Member Avshalom Vilan (Meretz-Yahad) that he would allocate NIS 140 million (about USD 33 million) for building a secured emergency room at the hospital.


Hirchson also promised that he would make sure construction began as soon as possible. The money would come from donations raised by the hospital and a special budget allocated by the cabinet.


Three months ago the Home Front Command suggested secured concrete desks be placed in Ashkelon classrooms.


In a meeting with Negev authorities, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said that all homes up to 7 kilometers (about 4.3 miles) from the Gaza Strip would be secured against rockets and that planning and construction would begin shortly.


פרסום ראשון: 01.22.07, 10:17
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