
Photo: Effie Shrir
Megiddo Prison (Archive photo)
Photo: Effie Shrir
Photo: Jeremy Feldman

Security prisoners consume more water

Israel Prison Service reveals security prisoner consumes about 1,000 liters of water a day, while criminal prisoner consumes 500 liters, civilian consumes 250 liters. One possible explanation for phenomenon is that waste is aimed at harming Israel's water economy, IPS suggests

A security prisoner jailed in Israel consumes 1,000 liters (about 264 gallons) of water a day, twice as much as a criminal prisoner and four times more than an Israeli civilian.


The Israel Prison Service (IPS) has decided to put an end to this phenomenon, allowing prisoners to take showers only in public shower stalls where the amount of water used will be supervised.


IPS officials recently decided to check how much water is consumed by prisoners jailed in security prisons and how much is consumed by criminal prisoners, and were amazed by the findings.


According to the data, security prisoners consume a large amount of water on a daily basis. They use the shower stalls and lavatories in their cells and wash their clothes.


In light of the findings, the IPS decided to form a plan to reduce the water consumption both among security prisoners and among criminal prisoners. The prisons' economy managers were instructed to carry out a number of moves, including explaining the importance of nit wasting water to the prisoners.


IPS officials estimated that the plan would be more effective among criminal prisoners, who are aware of the water shortage in Israel, while security prisoners are obviously not worried by the situation of Israel's water economy.


The second step is to allow prisoners to take showers only in public shower stalls instead of in the cells, particularly in the security wards. The IPS also plans to inspect the cells and wards in order to find out where water is being wasted.


The IPS is still looking for an explanation for the exaggerated water consumption by security prisoners. One of the possibilities raised was that the waste was aimed at harming Israel's water economy.


פרסום ראשון: 02.10.07, 18:45
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