
Ra'ed Salah at court
Photo: Haim Zach

Israel should be on trial, not me, says Islamic Movement leader

Ra'ed Salah, who was indicted for rioting over Jerusalem works, denounces court's authority, Israel's sovereignty over Jerusalem. This is a political case, he says

"Israel should be put on trial for the Temple Mount works," said Ra'ed Salah, head of the northern faction of the Islamic Movement, on Wednesday, at the beginning of his trial.


The Jerusalem Magistrates Court delayed the decision on whether to extend the restraining order barring Salah from the Old City for another 60 days.


The request was issued by Jerusalem Police. The court will give its decision on Thursday, but said that until the decision will be issued, the restraining order still stands.


Before the hearing began, Salah said that Israel occupied al-Aqsa in 1967.


"Israel is not sovereign over the mosque and is not given legitimacy by the occupation," he said.


"As this court is a component of the Israeli establishment occupying the al-Aqsa, any decision made by it regarding my case is invalid. This court does not have the authority to bar me from al-Aqsa."


Political agenda

"The indictment against me and the restraining order are all about Israel destructing the al-Aqsa mosque. Israel is challenging the whole Muslim and Arab world. The State of Israel should be standing on trial today for devastating one of the holiest places for the Muslims, the asl-Aqsa mosque," Salah said.


"This is a political case serving a political agenda for Israel, which is trying to establish a new reality in al-Aqsa. I will prove that their case is not based on facts," he concluded.



According to the indictment, Salah arrived at the Dung Gate with a group of people and spat at police officers during a skirmish. The prosecutor added that Salah had been convicted for serious security offences in the past.


פרסום ראשון: 02.15.07, 02:58
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