
Concerned. King Abdullah
Photo: Reuters

Last chance to revive peace process, King Abdullah says

Jordanian king says, 'There have to be certain criteria that new PA government has to accept if we're going to move process forward'; adds: This is our last opportunity

There is broad Arab agreement that a Palestinian unity government must adhere to the demands of the Quartet of Middle East mediators, Jordan's King Abdullah said.


In an interview with Israel's Channel 2 television, King Abdullah said time was running out to revive the long-stalled peace process. "I think the circumstances in the Middle East have changed so much so that really this is our last opportunity," he said.


"You're not alone on this," King Abdullah said when asked about Israeli concerns the power-sharing deal between Hamas and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah fails to meet the Quartet's demands.


"There's international common ground - not just Western but also Arab and to an extent Muslim - that believe that there have to be certain criteria that the new government has to accept if we're going to move the process forward," he said.


'Circumstances in Middle East have changed'

While the unity government agreement contained a vague promise to "respect" previous Israeli-Palestinian agreements it fell short of what the Quartet wants.


"It's not just ... The international players, but also the Arab countries are also expecting the new Palestinian government to adhere to the policies that we have set out in the Quartet, and in the Arab Quartet also," he said, referring to Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates.


King Abdullah said Abbas should be given "The mandate to start negotiations with the Israelis," and the new government should be in "Full compliance with the Arab Accord as well as international commitments."


The Quartet of Middle East peace negotiators comprise the United States, EU, Russia and the United Nations.


The unity government deal has widened rifts within the Quartet over how to deal with the Palestinian government.


Washington wants to shun the new government to keep pressure on Hamas. Russia and some European states favour a softer line.


Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal said on Friday that several European states had pledged to send money to the new government, though he offered no details. 


פרסום ראשון: 02.24.07, 16:59
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