
Photo: San video

Israelis eat 23 million hamantaschen this Purim

Hamantaschen sales up 5 percent in 2007, accompanied by a similar rise in costs. New flavors introduced

Twenty-three million hamantaschen will be consumed in Israel this Purim, a 5 percent increase from last year, according to the Manufacturers Association.


About 7 million of the traditional holiday treat will be stuffed with chocolate, and the main consumers will be children.


The latest innovations in hamantaschen include "Black and white" hamantaschen, prune-filled and coffee-filled hamantaschen, and "Premium hamantaschen," which will be made of butter dough.


Sugar-free and "mini" hamantaschen, weighing about 1 ounce, as opposed to the regular hamantasch that weighs about 1.5 ounces, will also be available.


According to the Manufacturers Association, the hamantaschen industry will bring in some NIS 31 million (about $7 million). Sales started two months before Purim, which falls on March 4.


The cost of hammantaschen has also risen by 5 percent. Manufacturers reported the increase is due to the rise in the price of ingredients, mainly flour and oil, and also a rise in wages.


This year, the average price of one kilogram (about 2 pounds) of hamantaschen is between NIS 26-NIS 35 (about $6-$8), while most of the sales are of 500 gram (1 pound) packages.


Manufacturers also reported that this year some 500,000 hamantaschen were exported to Jewish communities around the world, mainly the United States.


The most popular flavors are poppy seed, date, walnut and chocolate.


פרסום ראשון: 03.01.07, 12:02
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