
Police roadblock (archive photo)
Photo: Hagai Aharon

Peretz orders closure on territories ahead of Purim

Defense minister orders closure on West Bank and Gaza due to large number of specific warnings regarding terrorist attacks during holiday; security measures increased

Defense Minister Amir Peretz has ordered the security establishment to impose a closure on the West Bank and the Gaza strip beginning Thursday night until midnight Monday, due to a large number of specific warnings regarding possible terrorist attacks over the Purim holiday.


Police Commissioner Moshe Karadi instructed the police districts, the Border Guard and traffic police to increase security measures until after the festival.


Most of the enhanced activity will concentrate near busy locations in the cities as well as along the Green Line and the area surrounding Jerusalem.


A crackdown on Palestinians staying in Israel illegally is planned and roadblocks might be positioned on roads leading into towns.


In addition, police are working diligently with the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor to stop vendors from selling hazardous Purim toys to children and adolescents.


Hanan Greenberg contributed to the report


פרסום ראשון: 03.01.07, 21:20
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