
State Comptroller Lindenstrauss
Photo: Haim Zach
Attorney General Mazuz
Photo: Gil Yohanan

State comptroller won't present report's findings to Knesset

High Court orders state comptroller to refrain from presenting findings of interim report on Home Front Commands' performance during war to Knesset State Control Committee

The Knesset State Control Committee will be presented with the state comptroller's interim report on the war in Lebanon, but will refrain from discussing preliminary findings or personal recommendations included in the report, the High Court of Justice ruled Tuesday.


State Comptroller Micha Lindenstrauss has agreed to present to the committee only the procedures used in his office's work on the report into the Home Front Command' performance during the war, and not to discuss any other findings or conclusions.

Representatives of the Military Advocate General in court (Photo: Haim zach)


Additionally, Knesset members will not be allowed to present questions to Lindenstrauss during the meeting.


The High Court is slated to hold another hearing on the issue once the state comptroller appoints a lawyer to represent him.


The High Court convened to rule on a petition submitted by Home Front Command chief, Maj. Gen. Yitzhak Gershon Monday, seeking block the Knesset committee from holding an open discussion of the report, which was expected to point to major failures, saying it would harm the state's security.


Gershon's attorneys stressed to the court that the report must not be published or opened for discussion at the Knesset before the bodies mentioned in the report have had a chance to prepare a response.


Attorney General Menachem Mazuz stated earlier that the Knesset committee should refrain from discussing the report at this stage.


פרסום ראשון: 03.06.07, 11:18
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