
Jordan's King Abdullah with US President Bush
Photo: Reuters

King Abdullah exhorts US to take lead in peace process

Jordan's king tells joint meeting of Congress history has shown no progress in Middle East peacemaking is possible without American leadership. 'The goal must be a peace in which all sides gain, in which Israelis will be part of the neighborhood,' he says

Citing the risks of further delay, Jordan's King Abdullah II said Wednesday the United States must take the lead in creating conditions for a permanent peace between Israel and the Palestinians.


Speaking to a joint meeting of Congress, Abdullah said that history has shown no progress in Middle East peacemaking is possible without American leadership.


"We look to you to play a historic role," he said, adding that results are needed "not in one year or five years but this year.


"Your responsibility today is paramount, potential to help Palestinians and Israelis find peace is unrivalled. The ground work for a comprehensive, final settlement is already in place. 


"No more bloodshed, no more lives pointlessly taken," Abdullah declared.


His speech, lasting just under a half hour, was delivered in flawless English, with only an occasional aside in Arabic. He was interrupted a number of times by applause.


His remarks were limited almost entirely to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.


Palestinians and Israelis, he said, are not the only victims of the conflict. "We saw the violence ricochet into destruction in Lebanon last summer. And people around the world have been the victims of terrorists and extremists, who use the grievances of this conflict to legitimize and encourage acts of violence."


"The security of all nations and the stability of our global economy are directly affected by the Middle East conflict," he cautioned. "Across oceans, the conflict has estranged societies that should be friends. I meet Muslims thousands of miles away who have a deep, personal response to the suffering of the Palestinian people.


"They want to know how it is that ordinary Palestinians are still without rights and without a country. They ask whether the West really means what is says about equality and respect and universal justice."


'Main responsibility lies with Israel'

Abdullah made no direct reference to Hamas, to the current divisions in the Palestinian leadership or to recent efforts by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to revive peace efforts.


Instead, he spoke of the suffering that both Israelis and Palestinians have suffered. At one point, he lamented "the 40 years of occupation" that he said Palestinians have endured.


"The goal must be a peace in which all sides gain," he said. "There must be a peace in which Israelis will be part of the neighborhood."


His comments on the Middle East issue before his departure for Washington were far more critical of Israel than the ones he delivered on Wednesday.


Last Friday, he said, "The main responsibility (for achieving peace) lies with Israel, which must choose either to remain a prisoner of the mentality of 'Israel the fortress' or to live in peace and stability with its neighbors."


Over the past two days, King Abdullah also held talks with US President George W. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Secretary of Defense Robert Gates.


His talks with administration officials focused on the importance of the US role in bringing Palestinians and Israelis back to the negotiating table, with the objective of reaching a final settlement that would allow the emergence of a Palestinian state and reflect international legality. He also emphasized the importance of realizing tangible, on-the-ground progress in the peace process this year.


The King's visit to the US is part of a comprehensive Arab diplomatic initiative to refocus world attention on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and to project the Arab position on regional peace in world capitals. Before traveling to the US, he also visited Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the United Kingdom.


Roee Nahmias contributed to the report


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