
Reproduction photo: Hagai Aharon
Eldad Regev
Reproduction photo: Hagai Aharon
Reproduction Photo
Ehud Goldwasser

Placard showing captive soldiers seen near border

Report: Hizbullah places large photos of Goldwasser, Regev near Israel-Lebanon border; IDF looking into reports

A placard showing kidnapped soldiers Ehud Goldwasser and Eldad Regev was seen on Thursday, according to a report by AFP. It has been confirmed that the photos on the placard are not recent. 


The report said that Hizbullah placed the placard nearby the Lebanese border with Israel, close to where Goldwasser and Regev were kidnapped last summer. The placard shows the two kidnapped soldiers, one facing the viewer, and the other looking to the side, against a black backdrop.


The IDF could not immediately confirm the report, but was looking into it.


Goldwasser and Regev were kidnapped by Hizbullah on 12 July, 2006, during an attack which left other soldiers dead.


The attack lead the government to convene a special meeting which eventually lead to a 34-day-war that took the lives of over 100 IDF troops, as well as dozens of citizens who were hit by Katayusha rockets fired into Israel.


Despite international intervention, Hizbullah has refused to provide any sign of life from Goldwasser or Regev.


Occasional reports of progress in negotiations for their release have been heard on different media channels, but the two have yet to be released.


פרסום ראשון: 04.26.07, 13:15
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