
Suspended President Katsav
Photo: Hagai Aharon
Katsav's attorneys
Photo: Haim Zach

Mazuz holds second hearing for Katsav

Suspended president's lawyers present attorney general with additional evidence in bid to dissuade him from indicting president

The lawyers of suspended President Moshe Katsav arrived at the office of Attorney General Menachem Mazuz on Tuesday afternoon, in another attempt to dissuade him from indicting the president.


Attorneys Zion Amir, Avigdor Feldman and Avraham Lavi will present the attorney general with additional evidence which they say prove his innocence.


The first hearing was held about two weeks ago. The suspended president's lawyers tried to convince Mazuz not to indict the president on offense of rape and sexual harassment. The hearing lasted four hours.


Attorney Lavi said at the end of the previous hearing, "We did not manage to present all the material. The attorney general and his team expressed their willingness to listen, and we were not interrupted during the hearing."


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