
Photo: AP
Photo: Reuters
Photo: Niv Calderon

Peretz to support contender with stronger social agenda

As Barak, Ayalon begin efforts to secure support of Peretz and Pines for next round of elections, associates of outgoing Labor chairman say he will support contender committed to socioeconomic issues

Activists at the headquarters of Ami Ayalon and Ehud Barak are already preparing for the second round of the Labor primaries, set to be held on June 12, after none of the contenders managed to secure the required 40 percent support rate in the current round.


Peretz's aides reported that Ayalon has already requested to meet with Peretz, in hope of garnering his support.


Barak won the greatest number of votes, 35.6 percent, Ayalon came second with 30.6 percent, Amir Peretz received 22.4 percent of the votes, Ophir Pines – 8 percent and Danny Yatom – 2.7 percent. Voter turnout stood at 65.2 percent.

Labor elections results


Barak and Ayalon's current goal is to enlist the support of Amir Peretz and Ophir Pines' camps in a bid to win the race.


The head of Peretz's campaign headquarters, MK Yoram Marciano, said that Peretz hasn't decided yet who to support. "As a political camp, we are not going to sit on the fence. We are holding discussions to decide what to do... the most important thing for us is to uphold the socioeconomic flag, and this issue will be an important consideration in our decision."


Negotiations between Peretz, Barak camps  

Meanwhile, Ami Ayalon's close associate, MK Avishai Braverman, told Ynet, "We achieved our objective, to go to a second round.. We will learn our lessons and prepare, and I believe we'll win."


According to Braverman, "Our socioeconomic principles are very similar to those of Amir Peretz. Based on this, I hope and believe we can cooperate with him towards the second round, as well as with Ophir Pines."


Sources at Barak's headquarters said that Barak supporters have been negotiating with Peretz's associates for the last few weeks, in an attempt to create an alliance between the two bitter rivals.


"We have to try and reach an understanding, we don’t want to offend anyone, but we also have to move with full strength," an official close to Barak said, adding that if the negotiations fail, "We will try to break Amir's camp apart."


Who does the Right want to see heading the Labor Party? 

According to MK Yisrael Katz (Likud), "Ayalon is good for the Likud, Barak is good for Israel. Barak will be harder to beat but better to work with."


He explained that as Ayalon was more left wing, more mandates would shift from the center to the Likud if he were to be elected. However, as Barak was closer to the center of the political map, running against him would be more difficult.


MK Gilad Erdan (Likud) said that Netanyahu will beat Ayalon and Barak but, "politically it will be easier to compete with Barak.


"Barak failed in almost everything he did as prime minister. In the political arena, with Arafat, when Barak agreed to give him everything, and in defense matters with the outbreak of the second intifada. That is why the people replaced him with Sharon with such an unprecedented majority." He added that it would be very easy to remind the public about these failures.


MK Zvi Hendel (NRP) said: "If, God forbid, I was a member of the Labor party, I wouldn't choose either of these poor alternatives. As an external commentator I have no doubt that if the party elects Ayalon to head it, the left has little chances of taking over."


פרסום ראשון: 05.29.07, 11:50
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