
'Don't give up.' Goldwasser at event
Photo: Doron Golan

Commanders had total disregard for soldiers’ safety, Miki Goldwasser says

Kidnapped soldier’s mother tells high school students they can help pressure government into making necessary concessions to guarantee soldiers’ release from captivity; says new army recruits must point out deficiencies, failures

“In the past six years we have witnessed total disregard for the safety of IDF soldiers on the part of senior army commanders,” the mother of kidnapped soldier Udi Goldwasser said Monday.


Speaking at an end-of-year celebration of the Ankory school chain, dedicated in part to the kidnapped soldiers, Miki Goldwasser told the students they must be aware of the truth before enlisting in the army.


"People ask me whether I regret allowing my son join the army, and my answer is no. I have two more sons in reserve combat units and when they receive draft orders (for the reserves) they go, because we have no other country and it must be protected,” she said.


“Newly recruited soldiers must remain alert and point out any failures and deficiencies they come across. They must not give up. My son is paying the price for these failures and deficiencies.”


Goldwasser said the students can help pressure the government into making the necessary concessions to guarantee the kidnapped soldiers’ release from captivity.


“The State failed in our case, and it should pay. The State must bring our boys home at all costs,” she said.


At the beginning of the event, which was held at Dor Beach near Zichron Yaakov, the children stretched out a large canvas and made impressions of their hands on it with paint.


Udi Golwasser's parents, Miki and Shlomo, added their signatures, as did Eyal Regev, kidnapped soldier Eldad Regev's brother.


The fabric will be sent to Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, demanding that he do everything possible to release the kidnapped soldiers.


פרסום ראשון: 06.04.07, 23:01
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