
Barak, Israel's next Defense Minister
Photo: Dana Kopel

Olmert appoints Barak defense minister

Government approves of appointment of Labor Chairman Ehud Barak as defense minister, former Defense Minister Amir Peretz hands in resignation, will no longer be part of government as of Monday

The government unanimously approved the appointment of newly elected Labor Party Chairman Ehud Barak as Israel's next defense minister on Friday.


Former Defense Minister Amir Peretz handed in his resignation and will no longer be part of the government as of Monday evening.


Olmert decided on the appointment in his meeting with Barak Friday morning.


During the meeting, Olmert said he wished to rush the appointment in light of the tense security situation and the collapse of the Palestinian Authority in the Gaza Strip.


Barak responded to Olmert's request, and is expected to enter his new role upon being sworn into Knesset on Monday.


Transportation Minister Shaul Mofaz, who was also a candidate for the position, expressed satisfaction with Olmert's decision.


So far, Olmert has received the approval of Chairman of the Pensioners Party Raffie Eitan, Yisrael Beitenu Chairman Avigdor Lieberman, and Shas head Minister Eliyahu Yishai.


In an attempt to put things in order following recent changes in government roles, Olmert plans to leave the Finance Ministry in the hands of a Kadima minister, the main candidate being Internal Affairs Minister Ronnie Bar-On.


The Broadcasting Authority portfolio, left behind by resigning Labor Minister Eitan Cabel, remains available, as does the Development of the Negev and Galilee portfolio, which has been left behind by newly elected President Shimon Peres.


The role of vice premier, and Peres' seat at the cabinet table are also available.


During his reshuffle, Olmert also plans to announce a new Kadima chairman to take the place of Tzachi Hangebi, who retired. In the meantime, the role is being filled by MK Yoel Hasson.


פרסום ראשון: 06.15.07, 16:28
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