
Photo: Ron Peled
A professor of philosophy at Hebrew University in Jerusalem
Photo: Ron Peled

Righteous gentile Father Marcel Dubois dies

Israel Prize laureate, professor of philosophy at Hebrew University dies at 87

Father Marcel-Jacques Dubois – an Israel Prize laureate, a researcher, a writer, a translator and a righteous gentile – died over the weekend at the age of 87.


Dubois was a Professor Emeritus at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, where he was a lecturer in philosophy and studies Jewish-Christian relations.


In addition to the Israel Prize, Dubois was also awarded the Jerusalem Prize and the French Legion of Honor.


Father Marcel Dubois was born in 1920 to a catholic family in the Lille region in northern France. When he was 18 years old, he joined the Dominican Order. During World War II, he helped hide Jewish children in the church's institutions.


In 1962, he was sent to Jerusalem to head the Dominican Order and served as a professor of philosophy at the Hebrew University.


פרסום ראשון: 06.17.07, 09:39
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