
Minister Majadeleh
Photo: Hagai Aharon
Rabbi Amar
Photo: Dudi Vaknin
Photo: Dudi Vaaknin
Rabbi Fruman
Photo: Dudi Vaaknin

Religious leaders to fight extremism, violence

New imitative of Arab minister, chief rabbi aims at enlisting Jewish, Muslim religious leaders to battle against conflict and bloodshed

Chief Rabbi Shlomo Amar met with Science, Culture and Sport Minister Raleb Majadeleh last week in order to discuss a new initiative to get religious leaders involved in preventing Jewish-Arab hostility and violence in Israel and the region.


Rabbi Menachem Fruman, who initiated the move, explained at the opening of the meeting that rabbis and Muslim clerics could play a vital role in promoting peace and reconciliation between Jews and Arabs.


Rabbi Amar agreed, saying, "It is our duty to contribute as much as we can to reinstating mutual respect and the prevention of bloodshed."


According to Minister Majadeleh, the intiative was "the best answer to the goals of the extremists on both sides, and we shall prove that a different life – of peace and reconciliation – is possible."


Letters to Arab leaders  

Rabbi Amar reported that in recent days he sent letters to heads of state and leaders in the Arab world. "Clerics on the other side should follow the example of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, who for 20 years has been defending his halachic ruling that pikuach nefesh (saving a life) is more important than the Territories."


The participants in the meeting agreed that a committee of rabbis and sheikhs would be established and supervised by Minister Majadeleh, and that a large conference on promoting peace and rejecting violence would be held soon.


פרסום ראשון: 06.20.07, 13:10
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