
'Your day will come'. Avigdor Lieberman
Photo: Gil Yohanan
Photo: Avi Cohen
'Lieberman threatened me'. MK Taha
Photo: Avi Cohen

MK Taha: Lieberman threatened my life

Balad MK told by Yisrael Beitenu chairman, 'I hope Hamas deals with you; your day will come,' turns to attorney general demanding examination of criminal liability for these remarks

"Lieberman threatened my life in a clear and direct manner," Arab MK Wasil Taha of Balad wrote in a request to Attorney General Menachem Mazuz demanding he examine whether Minister for Strategic Affairs Avigdor Lieberman held criminal liability for his comments.


At Monday's Knesset plenum the Yisrael Beitenu chairman told Taha, "I hope Hamas will deal with you and the rest… Don't worry; your day will come too. "


The Balad MK also filed a complaint against Lieberman to the Knesset's Ethics Committee.


In his letter to the attorney general, Taha wrote, "During a discussion on the appointment of Ehud Barak as defense minister, Minister Lieberman took the stage and during his speech said some very harsh things to me and threatened my life in a clear and direct manner.


"There is no doubt that these statements are an unequivocal threat on my life and legitimize my murder. Such words are incitement to murder or at the very least incitement to physical harm."


Taha further wrote that "it should be taken into account that these things were said by an Israeli minister, a minister who represents a public and has much authority and great influence on the public that supports him.


"In light of the fact that Minister Lieberman has made many statements against the Arab public in general, and the Arab public's representatives specifically, and was not punished or sanctioned for them, I hereby request your honor investigate the matter, examine the criminal aspects of these statements and inform me whether you intend to open proceedings against Minister Lieberman for these harsh remarks," MK Taha wrote.


פרסום ראשון: 06.19.07, 13:00
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