
Yair Ramati, VP corporate marketing, IAI
RAFAEL President and CEO Yedidya Ya'ari

RAFAEL to supply defense systems to India for $4 billion

SPYDER short range or medium range defense systems to be sold to Indian army for $4 billion; IAI renews cooperation with French counterparts, for first time since 1967

International Paris Air Show - One of the larger export deals made by an Israeli defense industry is about to be signed. The Indian defense ministry is scheduled to sign an agreement for $4 billion in various deals with Rafael, Armament Development Authority Ltd.


According to the agreement, Rafael will supply the Indian army with air-defense systems. The first deal in the package is for $250 million.


The SPYDER is an air-to-air missile that has been converted to surface-to-air use to ensure protection of high-value assets for aircraft and helicopter attacks. The Indian army has decided to equip all of its units with a mobile air-defense system.


Eight companies from around the world participated in the tender. Two were short-listed: a French system and the Israeli SPYDER. After examining the systems, the Indians decided to go with the system manufactured by RAFAEL.


Renewed collaboration with the French

Meanwhile, Israeli Aircraft Industry (IAI) is trying to reach an agreement to collaborate with Dassault, a French aircraft manufacturer, to produce private jets in various sizes.


Yair Ramati, Vice President Corporate Marketing at IAI said that the first step was to convince Dassault to take advantage of the planning and manufacturing capabilities that IAI has gained over the years.


These are the first dealings between IAI and French aircraft manufacturers after ties were severed dozens of years ago when the French imposed an embargo on selling weapons to Israel in 1967, before the Six Day War.


Spokespeople for Dassault have confirmed that there have been negotiations with IAI, but they added that no deal had been reached yet.


פרסום ראשון: 06.20.07, 09:45
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