
Environment Minister Gideon Ezra
Photo: Dana Koppel
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Gilad Shalit
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Minister Ezra: Release prisoners with ‘blood on their hands’

Environment minister recommends releasing Palestinian prisoners with 'blood on their hands', says older prisoners unlikely to return to terror activity

“I support the release of Palestinian prisoners, even those with ‘blood on their hands’, as long as they are adults … they won’t go back to terror,” said Environment Minister Gideon Ezra on Wednesday.


The minister told Ynet that he was concerned about the stubbornness that could prevent the release of kidnapped IDF soldier Gilad Shalit or the release of prisoners that could strengthen Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.


Ezra’s suggestion echoed that of Knesset Member Yitzhak Levy (National Union-NRP), who said he would agree to the release of his daughter’s murderers in exchange for Shalit’s freedom.


“I fear those without blood on their hands, the ones that haven’t been able to carry out their plans. The one’s we caught young enough that if they were released, they could go back to terror.


“Our experience proves it’s those people that go back to committing terror attacks. As opposed to the older people, including those involved in terror with blood on their hands; they don’t go back to terror,” Ezra explained.


The minister was aware that his approach to the issue would not be well received by victims of terror attacks, but he said the public had to understand the complicated dilemma involved in the decision.


“At the end of the day, our goal is to bring Gilad home,” he said, “In my opinion, the risk of releasing older prisoners is not big, so I will recommend it to the government.”


A decision regarding the release of 250 Fatah prisoners will be made by the Knesset on Sunday.


פרסום ראשון: 06.27.07, 15:10
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