
Rightists marching to Homesh (archives)
Photo: Reuters
Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert
Photo: Reuters

Homesh First reveals plans to rebuild settlement

Contingency plan to rebuild evacuated West Bank settlement into 20,000-resident city, complete with mall, luxury buildings, college, awaits Olmert's replacement or 'decision to correct his mistake'

A city housing 20,000 residents, shopping malls, sport centers, a college and luxury buildings with a view of the sea will be built in place of the 80-family evacuated settlement of Homesh, according to the Homesh First organization's contingency plan that has been in the works for the past few months.


Homesh First members and Homesh evacuees have been meeting with a team of architects and engineers and have produced a prototype of the new city they plan to build in the former West Bank settlement.


Muzi Finkel, one of the team's engineers explained, "The delineated area where Homesh is found is an area where no Arabs reside. It is about 420 acres, and this is enough room to bring in 20,000 residents, despite the difficult topography."


Finkel volunteered to take on the job free of charge, and said he viewed this project as a mission, saying, "This is the spearhead of the urgent treatment the people need to get them out of the psychological sickness they have been in since 1992."


The engineer added that "from an engineering point of view the plan is practical and only needs the political will to carry it out."


Homesh city contingency plan


According to Homesh First sources, the plan is ready to be executed as soon as Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is replace, or "if he decides to correct the mistake he has made."


Homesh First's Yossi Dagan told Ynet, "The government will eventually realize what all the citizens realize today. The return to Homesh is just a matter of time. It's a way to correct the mistake of expulsion.


"We will not let this absurd, inconceivable situation continue while the ruins of our homes in Homesh and Shanor remain void of Jews despite the fact that the settlements remained in complete Israeli control. Today the magnitude of the mistake of evacuation is more evident than ever."


פרסום ראשון: 07.02.07, 11:24
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