
Photo: AP
IDF soldier in Hebron (archive photo)
Photo: AP

Hebron: IDF kills Palestinian youth holding fake gun

Soldiers open fire at 16-year-old Palestinian who they say was holding a fake M-16 assault rifle modeled out of plastic; army investigating incident

An IDF force operating in Hebron on Tuesday shot and killed a 16-year-old Palestinian thought to be armed but who the soldiers say was actually holding a fake M-16 assault rifle modeled out of plastic.


The military has launched an investigation into the incident, which took place in the West Bank city’s Loza district.


Palestinian sources said Ahmed Ascapi was playing with his friends when soldiers spotted him running with a toy gun in his hand and proceeded to open fire. The sources said the youth was not running toward the troops and made no threatening gestures.


The teenager’s body was taken to a hospital in the city. Doctors said he was shot several times in the upper body.


A similar tragedy occurred about six months ago, when IDF reserve soldiers manning a checkpoint north of Jericho shot and killed a 17-year-old Palestinian who pointed a toy pistol at them.


A little over a year ago a mentally disabled teen was killed during an IDF operation in Qabatiyeh, near Jenin. Soldiers suspected the 15-year-old of carrying a gun, but the Palestinians later said it was made of plastic.


In January 2005 a Palestinian youth was killed by IDF fire in Tubas, also near Jenin. The 13-year-old boy was holding a toy pistol when the soldiers opened fire at him.


פרסום ראשון: 07.03.07, 19:56
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