
The war as I remember it

A year has passed, and the memories are still fresh. Special project: Pictures taken during the Second Lebanon War and sent in by Ynet and Yedioth Ahronoth readers

Celebrating under fire

ZAKA volunteers, who formed part of the IDF's rescue force during the war, celebrate with a soldier who was called up on the day of his wedding.

Photo: ZAKA


Taking time out

Efrat Oshri from Netanya sent a picture of her brother, a combatant in the Givati Brigade. "During the war he found some old peanut snack and was munching on it with delight. One of his comrades took the picture."

Photo: Rotem Regiment


Deadly barrage

Kiryat Yam beach, four days following the soldiers' kidnapping. "Me and my friends went to the beach, like we do almost every day during the summer. Suddenly, several hundred meters away from us, the deadly barrage hit the Haifa train station."

Photo: Oren Yehuda


Last souvenir

"On August 8 we arrived at Markabah. The tension was unbearable, we were operating under fire. This didn't stop Peter Ohovsky from lighting a cigarette while we were waiting for cover. Four days later, Peter was killed, only hours before the ceasefire came into effect."

Photo: Moshe Piruz


Watching from a distance

"I serve in the reserves as the company commander's signal operator, and I took this picture just outside Kantara. The company commander is watching the route we were supposed to secure in order to enable forces and supply move towards the Saluki."

Photo: Dotan Cohen


Nine lives

On Friday, just before the war was over, a Khaibar missile landed at the front of the Zim Building in Haifa, completely shattering the building's windows.

Photo: Kobi Keren


The fighter rests

"In the Second Lebanon War I served as a combatant in the Golani commando unit. This picture was taken towards the end of the war, and it illustrates the sense of "a moment of rest," during a hard day of paroling in Lebanon." Hadi Levi, 22, Haifa.

Photo: Hanoch Samet


Taking refuge

"A picture I took at the Rambah hospital in Haifa during the Second Lebanon War. The picture was taken at the hospital's basement, which was turned into an area that served several wards because the hospital was constantly under rocket fire. What caught my eye was the patient on a respirator opposite the red Magen David Adom sign on the oxygen tank."

Photo: Orna Nitzan


Alone in town

On July 24 Golani and Paratrooper brigade forces entered Bint Jbeil, and the 401 armored regiment was later sent in as reinforcement. The regiment sustained two losses that day, when First Lieutenant Lotan Slavin and First Sergeant Kobi Semilag were killed. The picture, which was taken two days after the forces were sent in, shows Lieutenant-Colonel Tzachi Segev, who took over for the regiment commander who was wounded two days before. The house behind him, which we called "the pagoda," served after its capture as a temporary shelter for the troops.

Photo: Itay Yaakovi


פרסום ראשון: 07.09.07, 16:20
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