
Photo: Niv Calderon
Former Knesset member Naomi Blumenthal
Photo: Niv Calderon

Peres to decide on Blumenthal pardon

Dalia Itzik leaves decision on pardon of former Knesset member to president-elect

Acting President Dalia Itzik announced Thursday that she would not rule on the presidential pardon sought by former Knesset member Naomi Blumenthal.


Itzik said she would leave the decision to President-Elect Shimon Peres, who will officially enter office after a festive swearing-in ceremony at the Knesset next Sunday.


On Wednesday, Justice Minister Daniel Friedmann recommended canceling Blumenthal’s prison sentence, set earlier at eight months, for her bribing of Likud members before the 2002 primaries for the party’s leadership.


Blumenthal’s sentence was mitigated to two months probation and six months community service.

A statement released by the Justice Ministry made it clear that Blumenthal’s political standing played no part in Friedmann’s decision.


“Let there be no doubt that the roles played by Mrs. Blumenthal in the public sector had no impact on this decision.


“This recommendation is based on the merits of the case alone, as are many other leniency petitions made to the Justice Ministry… in many cases the (justice) minister makes similar – if not lighter – sentencing recommendations,” the statement said.


פרסום ראשון: 07.12.07, 20:42
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