
President Peres
Photo: Avi Ohayon, GPO

I have no intention of dwelling on the past, says Peres

Ninth president begins term with staff meetings. 'This institution represents the country. We must honor it and keep it honorable' he says

After 48 years in politics, Shimon Peres walked into the presidential residence Monday as its new occupant.


Israel's ninth president's first day on the job includes individual meetings with the presidential staff, followed by a speech at Mount Herzl, at the annual memorial service for Ze'ev Jabotinsky.


The new president will also have to tackle some urgent matters, such as the pardoning of former Likud MK Naomi Blumenthal.


"I have no intention of dwelling on the past…the presidential institution represents this country, and we are obligated to honor it and keep it honorable," said Peres in his orientation meeting with his new staff.


"I look forward to working with all of you... it is my privilege to serve my country in this way. All of us must remember – we are the people's servants, not its masters," said Peres.

President Peres in his new office (Photo: Avi Ohayon, GPO)


"The future won't be a simple one… the expectations laid at our door are enormous. I pray we won’t let our citizens down," he added. 


Judging by Peres' interview with the Associated Press Sunday, his term as president promises to be anything but dull.


In this controversial interview, which enraged the political right, Peres said "we have to get rid of the territories… I shall respect the minority, I shall not insult them…I changed my position. I didn't change my beliefs."


Peres further spoke of need to push Israel's relations with its neighbors to a new level, in his inauguration speech:


"I call on the Palestinians and our neighboring Arab countries to take part in this great journey to create a world based on intellect not just on land.


"Without dismissing any heritage, we must look on education as our supreme goal… I intend to give my all to the cultivation of a multifaceted modern relationship between Israel and the Arab nations."


פרסום ראשון: 07.16.07, 13:36
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