
Photo: AP

PMO braces for comptroller's report on war

Olmert's aides say prime minister cannot be blamed for failures that go years back; accuse state comptroller of running personal campaign against Olmert

"No sensible person can claim that the prime minister failed in addressing the problems of the home front," head of the Prime Minister's Office Raanan Dinur said Wednesday, ahead of the release of the state comptroller's report on the home front during last summer's war in Lebanon. "The prime minister cannot be blamed for failures that go years back," he stated.


Set to be released Wednesday at 1 pm, the state comptroller's report contains harsh criticism of the government's handling of the home front during the fighting. It also includes an 11-page introduction that is a summary of the conclusions, and which Olmert's aides say is part of State Comptroller Micha Lindenstrauss' personal campaign against the prime minister.


Meanwhile, the Home Front Command will present Wednesday afternoon its plan for implementing lessons drawn after the war following an internal inquiry conducted by the command.


The plan aims to prove that many of the shortcomings referred to by the state comptroller have already been addressed or are in the stage of being remedied.


A spokesperson for Defense Minister Ehud Barak said that the minister would study the report' conclusions in the coming days and that his deputy, Matan Vilnai, has already been appointed to handle the implementation of the recommendations.


Hanan Greenberg contributed to the report


פרסום ראשון: 07.18.07, 09:46
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