
Olmert. Vows to implement report
Photo: AP

Olmert: Report will be fully implemented

Prime minister vows to take seriously state comptroller's report on handling of home front during Second Lebanon War

"I will seek to fully implement the recommendations that appear in the state comptroller's report. We should distinguish between our anger at the comptroller and the professional side of criticism, which ought to be taken seriously on our part," Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said Wednesday evening.


"The report points to important issues relating to managing the home front, where many failures were found. This is a serious report that ought to be taken seriously. I will instruct all government ministers, workers and all the local authorities, each in its own field, to implement the report," Olmert added.


State Comptroller Micha Lindenstrauss slammed the government's and the army's poor handling of the home front during last summer's war in a report released Wednesday.


"We need to continue working professionally in order to improve the home front's preparedness," Olmert told aides.


He added, "Last year we worked to fix our failures. We found that a large part of the comptroller's recommendations matched the failures we identified in the home front's management.


"I suggest we invest all the required resources so that during the next confrontation, should it happen, the country's citizens are protected."


The army said earlier Wednesday that it had started implementing the recommendations made in the report.


The report censured Home Front Command chief Maj-Gen Yitzhak Gershon for painting a deceptive picture to decision-makers about the home front's readiness for war and for failing to take swift action to ensure the citizen's safety.


פרסום ראשון: 07.19.07, 00:39
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