
Grow your own dream man in 30 days

Graphic design student Sharona Bar-Natan's final project expresses a yearning for the right guy that embodies desirable characteristics such as intelligence, a sense of humor, generosity and sensitivity. All of it instantly achieved

No more frustrating dates – from now on you can take care of yourself. We're not talking sex toys or masturbation but a funny, artistic fantasy. Pleased to introduce: My Guy, Sharona Bar-Natan's final project at the Open University's arts and communication school.


Sharona, 27, a graphic design student, chose to refer to an absurd aspect of our culture of extreme individualism – the instant culture. In response to the continuous objectification of women, she turned to the objectification of men.


Shraona created a series of five prototypes of desirable men named Barak Rock – the careerist, Peleg Streams – the spiritual, Assi Fields – everyone's friend, Sandy Matan – the nice Jewish boy, Ziv Mountain – the introvert.



Each type comes with a set of traits (the nice guy is also a great cook, the careerist is ambitious and witty, and the spiritual is at peace with himself).


Along with the packet of seeds (with details instructions on it) for growing the man of her dreams, every woman can purchase fertilizers that add characteristics that are important for the woman such as: a healthy sex drive, sense of humor, intelligence, generosity. The ideal man will grow in 30 days.


Stages of growth


Fertilizers are extra


Packets of seeds: Grow you own dream guy


The project was conceived from the reality of life as a single woman. "From a young age we are asked to realize the cliché of the knight in shining armor, we live in anticipation to the day we meet the 'one.' As we experience more frustrating dates, we get tired and dream of a quick solution," Sharona explained.


"The most important thing I wanted to convey is a criticism of the world we live in,. A world in which we shop online for love, a world of instant gratifications that has gone berserk," she added.


"I took one of the most basic needs we humans have, the needs for love and togetherness, and compressed it into a crazy industrial product. I want the viewers to stop for a second and think about the strange mixture we live in. How we as people consume objects and sometimes become objects."


פרסום ראשון: 07.26.07, 16:15
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