
Cow manure

Electricity from cow manure

The GES company of Granite Hacarmel and the regional council of Emek Hefer have activated the first commercial facility in Israel to manufacture electricity from cow manure. The facility , created with a NIS 40 million invesment, will treat 600 tons of manure daily, from 12,000 cows, and will sell the electricity to the Electric Corporation

The Energy and Infrastructure Company GES, a subsidiary of Granite Hacarmel under the leadership of David Azrieli, and the Emek Hefer regional council, began on Tuesday to supply the Electric Corporation with electricity manufactured from cow manure.


The recycling facility in Emek Hefer is the first commercial facility in Israel - and one of the first in the world - to use organic refuse from dairy farms, mainly from cow manure, to create electricity. In addition to electricity, the facility also manufactures quality fertilizer from the cow waste.


The facility will treat 600 tons of cow waste a day, producing 2-3 mega-watts of electricity. The company and council have invested NIS 40 million in the facility's creation and expect to profit from selling the electricity and fertilizer, and from the waste-treatment process itself.


The cooperative organization of the kibbutzim and moshavim in Emek Hefer initiated the establishment of the facility after they were required to find a solution to decrease the pollution generated by the 12,000 dairy cows in the area.


If the project succeeds, it will lead to similar facilities in additional farms, slaughterhouses, and agricultural settlements. The facility treats the cow waste with a process of pasteurization and fermentation that allows it to be converted into fertilizer and bio-diesel.


“The Hefer facility demonstrates our ability to implement alternative energy solutions through the treatment of cow waste, which is also closely connected to the solution of environmental problems”, said Menachem Greenblum, the head of GES. “It is definitely an important milestone in the investment in the ecological infrastructure sector”, added Granite CEO, Ami Sagis.


GES, a subsidiary of Granite Hacarmel, was established in 1997 in a merger of Italkam Eilon, Aniyam Purification Systems, and Chemita’as. The company deals with the development, operation, and maintenance of water and sewage treatment facilities, and the development and marketing of chemical products for agriculture and regional councils.


פרסום ראשון: 08.01.07, 14:17
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