
Photo: Tomeriko
Photo: Gil Yohanan

Winograd Commission refuses to grant PM's attorneys access to records

Commission refuses to release records relating to conclusions against Olmert. PM's legal reps say access needed to decide if, how to proceed

The Winograd Commission has informed Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's attorneys Thursday that it does not intend to grant their request to disclose the records and materials on which the conclusions against him were based.


Olmert's attorney, Eli Zohar, requested access to the commission's records two days ago.


Olmert had many reservations regarding his portrayal in the commission's interim report on the Second Lebanon War, said a source close to the prime minister, and his attorneys simply want to view the relevant material before deciding how – and if – to proceed.


On Wednesday, former Defense Minister Amir Peretz sent the commission a letter asking to reappear before it before his matter is decided.


Sources in the Prime Minister's Office denied publications stating that Olmert sent a similar letter to the, but the office refused to make an official comment. 


Aviram Zino contributed to this report


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