

TASE closes down again

TA-25 Index drops by 0.36%, TA-100 loses 0.2%, Tel-Tech down 1.76% and Real Estate Index drops by 1.28%, US dollar rate remains stable

The Tel Aviv Stock Exchange closed down again Thursday, after sharp losses on Wednesday due to downward trends in foreign markets.


Some NIS 1.688 billion (about $384.6 million) was traded on the market Thursday.


The TA-25 Index lost 0.36% reaching 1,091.20 points, the TA-100 lost 0.2% and dropped to 1,073.32 points. The Tel-Tech dropped more dramatically, by 1.76% to 422.72 points.  The Real Estate Index lost 1.28%.


The US dollar value remained at the same exchange rate was set by the Bank of Israel at NIS 4.3370. The euro rose 0.081% and its exchange rate was set at 5.9287.



פרסום ראשון: 08.02.07, 18:01
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