
IDF soldier (Archives)
Photo: Abir Sultan, IDF Spokesperson's Office

IDF defector jailed

Draft-dodger sentenced to 6 months in prison by military court. Defendant claims did not receive draft letter

A military court in Jaffa has sentenced a young man to six months in prison for his failure to enlist to the IDF. The man was caught two weeks ago after having dodged the mandatory draft for six years.


“The draft-dodging phenomenon is spreading like fire ... and worst of all; it is creating inequality and discriminating between bloods,” said Colonel Avi Levi, president of Jaffa’s military court.


Private S did not begin his military service in August 2001 as he was supposed to, but instead opened a stand in the market in order to support his family. S has been considered a defector for 2,162 days.


According to his attorney, the private claimed he never received his draft letter, and thought the military did not want him because of a surplus of recruits.


A prosecution representative said that S deserved a punishment that would deter others from making the same choice when it came time to enlist.


“He knew that at 18 you have to enlist in order to take part in the burden of the defense of Israel’s security. He didn’t do it, and while he was sitting at home, Israel was fighting the intifada and the war in Lebanon,” the representative said.


During the court hearing, S said he was a new immigrant and did not know he had to enlist.


Judge Levi harshly criticized the defendant’s behavior in particular and the draft-dodging phenomenon in general.


“It’s outrageous to think that the defendant can take the law into his own hands and ignore the mandatory draft, which applies to him, and claim that he was unaware it applied to him for six years,” Levi said.


He added that it was not fair that some enlist and risk their lives for the protection of their homeland, while others avoid the draft and act as though the mandatory service has nothing to do with them.


פרסום ראשון: 08.06.07, 03:22
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