
Activist damages fence

Leftists, Palestinians damage separation fence

Anarchists Against the Wall activists, local residents of Hebron vicinity village cut 30 meters of barbed wire, electric fence

Thirty Palestinian and Anarchists Against the Wall activists damaged the separation fence near Hebron Saturday afternoon.


The activists managed to cut 30 meters of the barbed wire and electric fence before security forces arrived at the scene. The activists ceased their activity, and no arrests were carried out.

Activists cut separation fence


A source in the left-wing organization said that similar incidents have occurred many times over the years. “We will continue to do this, and join the Palestinian resistance to the occupation,” he said.


“The fence is a political tool designed to steal as much land from the Palestinians as possible, and to ensure the Israel has strategic control over the Palestinians. We oppose the fence wherever it stands, and we intend to continue damaging it.”


Ali Waked contributed to this article


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