
Photo: Reuters
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Photo: Reuters

Israeli, Palestinian men seek family unification

Israeli man files application to Interior Ministry to be unified with married man from Tulkarm. Despite unusual nature of case, Interior Ministry promises to treat the application as all others

Interior Ministry clerks recently received an unusual family unification request from an Israeli citizen wishing to unite with his male Palestinian lover from the West Bank city of Tulkarm.


The man, in his 50s resides in central Israel and wrote in his application that he only wishes to live with his life partner on weekdays, since the Palestinian, who is 20 years younger has to return to his wife and kids on the weekends.


The application was sent to a special committee which discusses humanitarian applications for granting a resident status to Palestinian partners of Israelis.


The Israeli described his relationship with his partner, who he said has supported him emotionally over the years.


The request is considered irregular since the basis for applying for partner status is while full relations exist between the two. In this case, it is only a partial relationship.


Nonetheless, the Interior Ministry stressed that the application would be treated as all other and would be examined thoroughly.


"This is not the first time we encounter an application that is slightly odder than the rest. Nonetheless, the application will be examined by the committee and a decision on the matter will be made," the Interior Ministry said.


פרסום ראשון: 08.13.07, 21:27
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