
Photo: Reuters
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Photo: Reuters

IAI lands multi-million dollar deal in India

Israel Aerospace Industries to provide radar system for new fighter jet developed by India

Israel Aerospace Industries Ltd. (IAI) will provide a radar system for a new fighter plane India has been developing for the past few years, Yedioth Ahronot reported on Monday.


The deal may be worth hundreds of millions of dollars, the newspaper said.


India’s electronics industry has been unable to build a radar system for the new jet, and recently IAI head Itzhak Nissan visited the country and reached an agreement with local authorities to develop the system.


The IAI is also looking to get a cut from an expected contract said to be worth over a billion dollars to upgrade 51 Mirage-2000 jets belonging to the Indian Air Force.








פרסום ראשון: 08.20.07, 08:18
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