
Qassam in Sderot (Archive)
Photo: Amir Cohen

Qassam hits Sderot vehicle

Color Red alert sends residents to take cover as rocket hits parked car. 'We are aware of the importance of taking cover,' says municipality's security chief

A Qassam rocket fired from northern Gaza towards Israel hit a Sderot vehicle Saturday, destroying it completely. No injuries were reported.


The car was quickly towed away, leaving the residents grateful that no lives were lost, as was the case in previous incidents of rockets hitting cars.


"We are very lucky only a car was hit… the city's residents are aware of the importance of taking cover when the Color Red alert is sounded," Yehuda Ben-Mamman, Sderot Municipality's security chief told Ynet.


The city was lucky on Thursday as well, when a Qassam rocket hit a house, causing only property damage and anxiety injuries.


פרסום ראשון: 08.25.07, 19:07
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