
Photo: Gadi Dagon
Avi Shaked
Photo: Gadi Dagon

Avi Shaked to open chain of coffee shops in China

Businessman to partner with former ArCafe executives in Chinese venture. Chain to include 130 locations

Businessman Avi Shaked, founder of the 888 Casino-on-Net website, which operated off the coast of Gibraltar, has decided to expand into the food industry, Yedioth Ahronoth reported Thursday.


Shaked and his son, Eyal, have invested in a chain of coffee shops named Chitta Café and intend on opening 130 cafés over China in the next two years.


The first coffee shop will be opened in November in Shanghai and three more are to open in the city immediately afterwards. The chain would eventually have locations all over China.


The Shakeds partnered with Tamir Barleko, former CEO of ArCafe and with Ma'ayan Kahan, former VP of ArCafe, who currently lives in Shanghai. Kahan was also named CEO of the Chitta Café chain.


פרסום ראשון: 09.06.07, 10:57
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